Lida Hewitt

Lida Hewitt

Lida Hewitt HANDLE Intern, HANDLE Screener, NVQ3 (teaching assistant), Pre-level 3 in British Sign Language
07821 552335
Lida Hewitt

HANDLE® combines an understanding of neuroplasticity and the interplay among mind, body and environment to help the brain gently change itself. It is designed to enhance neurological systems that are causing learning or life difficulties, without force or judgment. HANDLE gets to the root of what some might consider problematic behaviours by listening and observing, not pushing or judging. It can assist children and adults labelled with, but not limited to:

ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Tourette’s Syndrome, Anxiety, Depression, Seizure Disorders, ODC, ODD, PDD-NOS, Issues of Ageing, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Genetic Disorders, and more

Gentle Enhancement® is a trademark of the HANDLE approach.

Gentle Enhancement describes the HANDLE process of respectfully supporting sensory processing in small steps without undue stress, recognizing that sensory over-stimulation can interfere with attention and learning.  The HANDLE paradigm encourages people to apply Gentle Enhancement in their daily lives.

Watch Lida’s video on Kineseology and Analog Testing

My Story:

I was working as a teaching assistant at a special needs school in Morden when I attended a course “Introductory to HANDLE”. It opened my eyes and gave me tools and knowledge to apply in my work. I could understand and interpret students’ behaviour and the reasons behind their behaviour patterns such as rocking, humming, biting their fingers/hands or clothes, constantly touching things, outbursts of screaming and much more, Through this understanding I was able to address/ meet their needs with positive outcomes. As their needs were met, so their behaviour changed and also their daily life functions – such as sleeping, eating and concentration – improved.

I have implemented the HANDLE ethos and non-judgmental attitude in both my professional and personal life with greater/outstanding results.